Yum Bruchetta Recipe



  1. Olives 1 x pack
  2. Tomatoes 2 x large, or 1 x punnet of cherry tomatoes
  3. Basil 1 handful
  4. Cucumber 1x large or 4 x baby cucumbers
  5. Bread one loaf
  6. Balsamic vinegar
  7. Olive oil
  8. Salt
  9. Pepper
  10. Garlic 1 x clove


  1. Avocado x 1
  2. Vegan mayonnaise (optional)
  3. Snow peas x 5
  4. Sprouts x small handful
  5. Lettuce mix half a packet


(Makes 4 Bruschetta)

1 handful of black olives
2 large tomatoes or 3/4 packet of cherry tomatoes
1 handful of basil
½ a large cucumber
1 TBS of balsamic vinegar
Splash of Olive oil
Salt & pepper to taste

Note: If you wish you can leave out the bread and use lettuce leaves instead.
Or you can combine all of the ingredients into a salad (minus the bread).

Bruschetta Toast


Put bread in toaster, let it toast.
In the mean time cut the olives in half and put into a medium sized bowl.
Cut cucumber & tomatoes into chunks, rip basil and put them into the same bowl.
Combine in a small bowl 1 TBS of basalt vinegar, 1/2 TBS of olive oil & salt and pepper to taste, pour over mixed veggies.
Mix all of the ingredients in the bowl.
Remember to keep an eye on the toast.
Once bread is cooked peel the skin off the garlic and rub the clove of garlic onto the toast.
Spoon the veggie mix onto the bread (or the lettuce cups if not using bread).


Bruschetta toast

Bruschetta Salad

Alternative recipe (same ingredients)


Add half a family sized bag of lettuce mix to a medium sized bowl.
Chop all of the other ingredients into small pieces; place on top of the lettuce mix.
Add avocado, vegan mayonnaise, sprouts, snow-peas and anything else you would like to add to the salad bowl.
Mix the dressing ingredients and including chopped garlic and pour over the salad.
Optional hot buttered toast sprinkled with salt on the side.

Enjoy the feast.

Bruschetta Salad

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