Notes When Doing A Design                              

In my recent blog ‘My New Vision for the Future’ I said that I want to design buildings. I have been sketching up different building ideas for some time though I haven’t had the time to draw up the plans properly and do research relating the idea. Once I have the time and desire to sketch up my ideas I will use this list to check if my designs are any good. Below the text is the list of things to keep in mind when you are doing a design.

Thanks to the many God’s Way Member Meetings, that I had the privilege to attend, about designing the Auditorium at the God’s Way Function Center (Scroll down to the sub-heading “Function Center Build”) I have been able to construct a list of things to keep in mind for when you design a building. I have added other ideas of my own to the list.


  • Is it functional? (Very important)
  • Is it economical? (Very important)
  • Does it have beauty? (Less important)
  • What is the structures purpose?
  • Where will it be built?
  • What have you allowed the structure to be used for? (E.g. needs to be used for more than just a house)
  • Who can use it? (Can some one in a wheel chair live/work in the structure)
  • Where can it be built? (Can it be built on land with both a slope and no slope)
  • What is the structures environmental impact? (Where do the materials come from? How are the materials created?)
  • What damage will be cause in our world by building this structure?
  • What is the ideas merit?
  • Can the structure be replaced and/or customized?


  • What do others want?
  • Can it be replaced and/or customized?
  • What do others want?
  • Would it work for others with their passions and desires?
  • What is their age? (How does this limit them)
  • What do I NEED?
  • What do I WANT?
  • What will enhance my life?
  • How do I protect my necessities? (Food, Water, Shelter, Clean Oxygen)
  • How does each design decision affect the over all structure/design?
  • What are the effects of each design decision?


  • Try to base everything in the structure off a central place/center piece in your design
  • Remember that there are always trade-offs in buildings


  • Why did I think this way?
    • What emotions affect my thinking and ideas?

NOTE: Most of these ideas come from Jesus.

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