My New Name


I have changed my name. I changed it in January-ish but I didn’t put this post out, so it’s time for it to see the light of day. Let’s begin!

The Why

I have changed my name to Archie Hitchins. I chose the surname Hitchins because I couldn’t come up with a name I liked while being easy to spell and say at the same time (I wanted my full name under 7 syllables). Archie Hitchins is four syllables. Requirement ticked off.

Archie Drysdale Lytton-Hitchins as a signature could barely fit in the box that you sign in for legal documents. This is if I was lucky (my signature usually went off the page since my writing wasn’t tinny at the time). Although Archie Drysdale Lytton-Hitchins was my full name I acted as if Archie Lytton-Hitchins was my full name.

Archie Hitchins is still a long signature to write but it fits.

Finding Hitchins

I originally wanted to be Archie La San but I was told that many people would mispronounce that name. I than wanted to be just Archie but there could be confusion if there were multiple people called Archie in one place. I decided that Hitchins was the simplest part of my last name (Lytton-Hitchins was my original last name) so I made it my surname.

The Family

My biological family have different surnames. My brother has kept the same surname of Lytton-Hitchins but is pondering changing it to Sparks like my mum. My sister’s surname is Grace. while my dad is still Lytton-Hitchins but he is almost entirely out of my life.

Author: Archie Hitchins

Published: 11.07.2023

Photo by jimmy teoh on

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